NBIS staff

The current NBIS staff is listed below, with locations and expertise. For more information about individual staff members, follow the links in the table.

  • By expertise
  • By location
  • By facility
  • Affiliates

Please note that many of the NBIS experts are active in several sub disciplines of bioinformatics.

Bengt Persson (UU/KI) SciLifeLab NBIS director
Johan Viklund (UU) SciLifeLab NBIS Chief Technical Officer
Pär Engström (SU) SciLifeLab transcriptomics, functional and comparative genomics, genetic variation
Jonas Hagberg (SU/UU) SciLifeLab manager, devops, Joint Head of Facility Support and Infrastructure
Anna Hagwall (UU) Uppsala University project management, agile
Henrik Lantz (UU) SciLifeLab assembly, annotation, manager, Joint Head of Facility Support and Infrastructure
Jessica Lindberg (UU) SciLifeLab administration, economy
Jessica Lindvall (SU) SciLifeLab manager, Joint Head of Facility Support and Infrastructure, Training coordinator, high throughput analyses, omics integration analyses
Marcus Lundberg (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing
Björn Nystedt (UU) SciLifeLab de novo genome assembly, evolution
Thomas Svensson (CTH) SciLifeLab functional genomics, metabolism, fysiology, systems biology, sequence analysis, Head of Facility
Joel Hedlund (LiU) Linköping University Head of AIDA Data Hub, Sensitive data, AI, GDPR, Open Science, FAIR


Adnan Niazi (SLU) SciLifeLab RNAseq, Genome assembly
Agata Smialowska (SU)
SciLifeLab experimental design, transcriptomics, epigenomics, chromatin, RNA biology, RNA-seq, sRNA-seq, ChIP-seq
Allison Churcher (UmU)
SciLifeLab genomics
Anna Johansson (UU)
SciLifeLab NGS variant analysis
Åsa Björklund (UU)
SciLifeLab RNAseq, scRNAseq
Ashfaq Ali (LU)
Lund University Metabolomic, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Systems Biology, Genomics, Genetics, Gene Environment Interactions
Bengt Sennblad (UU)
SciLifeLab omics integration, reproducible research, probabilistic modeling, algorithmics, genetic interactions, genetic associations studies, genome evolution
Dag Ahrén (LU)
Lund University Genomics, Transcriptomics, Genomic Ecology, Microbial Genomics, Reduced representation sequencing, RADSeq, NGS coordinator
Diana Ekman (SU)
SciLifeLab NGS variant analysis
Erik Fasterius (SU)
SciLifeLab High-throughput sequencing, RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, variant analysis, data visualisation, machine learning, pipeline development, software development
Estelle Proux-Wera (SU)
SciLifeLab RNA-seq, de novo RNA-seq assembly
Jakub Orzechowski Westholm (SU)
SciLifeLab RNA-seq, non-coding RNA, ChIP-seq, gene regulation
Jeanette Tångrot (UmU)
Umeå University genomics, RNAseq, amplicon sequencing analysis
Johan Reimegård (UU)
SciLifeLab de novo RNA assembly, RNAseq, RNA structure analysis, Allele specific expression, non-coding RNA, miRNA, sRNA, education
John Sundh (SU)
SciLifeLab metagenomics, bacterial genomics, cyanobacteria
Juliana Assis (LU)
Lund University genomics, transcriptomics, system biology, metabolomics, data integration
Julie Lorent (SU)
SciLifeLab RNA-seq, biostatistics
Lokeshwaran Manoharan (LU)
Lund University Genomics and metagenomics, Transcriptomics and metatranscriptomics, phylogenomics, Microbial Genomics, Amplicon sequencing analysis
Louella Vasquez (LU)
Lund University Genomics, Epigenetics, Integrative omics, Genetic association studies, Statistical analysis
Magnus Alm Rosenblad (GU)
University of Gothenburg sequence analysis, transcriptomics, NGS coordinator
Malin Larsson (LiU)
Linköping University genomics, cancer genomics
Marcel Martin (SU)
SciLifeLab high-throughput sequencing
Marcin Kierczak (UU)
Uppsala University genomics, population genomics, R, GWAS, machine learning, AI, eDNA
Markus Mayrhofer (UU)
SciLifeLab cancer genomics, copy number analysis, mutational profiling
Markus Ringnér (LU)
SciLifeLab Cancer genomics
Nikolay Oskolkov (LU)
SciLifeLab genomics, transcriptomics, statistical analysis
Nima Rafati (UU)
SciLifeLab NGS, genomics, comparative genomics, transcriptomics, small and large variant analyses, comparative genomics, gwas
Nina Norgren (UmU)
Umeå University genomics
Olga Dethlefsen (SU)
SciLifeLab transcriptomics, genomics, epigenomics, clinical bioinformatics, biostatistics, machine learning, teaching
Paul Theodor Pyl (LU)
Lund University Genomics and metagenomics, Transcriptomics, Mass-spec Proteomics using DDA and DIA, Proteogenomics and Proteotranscriptomics, Cancer
Paulo Czarnewski (SU)
SciLifeLab RNA-seq, scRNAseq, transcriptomics, Proximity Extension Assay (PEA), microbiome profiling, Flow cytometry (FACS)
Per Unneberg (UU)
SciLifeLab evolution, reproducible research, statistics, RNAseq, scRNAseq, genomics, variation analysis, population genetics
Roy Francis (UU)
SciLifeLab experimental design, RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, Infinium methylation arrays, GATK variant-calling, R programming, data visualisation
Sebastian DiLorenzo (UU)
SciLifeLab Cancer data analysis, NGS, epigenetics, Pipelines, Community, Teaching, R
Tom van der Valk (UU)
Uppsala University population genomics, convervation genomics, python
Tomas Larsson (UU)
Chalmers assembly, annotation, comparative genomics
Verena Kutschera (SU)
SciLifeLab population genomics, comparative genomics, molecular evolution, non-model organisms, phylogenetics
Vincent van Hoef (UU)
Uppsala University genomics, transcriptomics, cancer, R, single-cell rna-seq, rna-seq
Genome Assembly and Annotation
André E. R. Soares (UU) SciLifeLab genomics, genome assembly, genome annotation, ancient DNA, phylogenetics, shell scripting
Lucile Soler (UU) SciLifeLab genome annotation, whole genome alignment, comparative genomic
Mahesh Binzer-Panchal (UU) SciLifeLab genome assembly, transcriptome assembly, metagenomic assembly, variant calling, amplicon analysis, Nextflow, shell scripting, perl, groovy, java, R


Claudio Mirabello (LiU) Linköping University proteomics, machine learning, structural bioinformatics
Fredrik Levander (LU)
University of Lund proteomics, coordinator, mass spectrometry, data standards
Mun-Gwan Hong (SU)
Science for Life Laboratory pqtl, affinity proteomics, genomics, gwas, epidemiology
Payam Emami (SU)
SciLifeLab omics integration, reproducible research, mass spectrometry, proteomics, peptidomics, metabolomics, workflow, Galaxy, microservices, Kubernetes
Sebastian Kapell (SU)
SciLifeLab Proteomics, Proteogenomics, Biological Network Analysis, Systems Biology, Immunology, Virology
Systems Biology
Mihail Anton (Chalmers) Chalmers system development
Rui Benfeitas (SU) SciLifeLab Omics Integration, Systems Biology, Biological Network Analysis, Precision Medicine, RNAseq, Metabolism, Cancer, Metabolic Modeling
Sergiu Netotea (Chalmers) Chalmers systems biology, network analysis, machine learning, cloud computing
Susanne Reinsbach (Chalmers) Chalmers Cancer Genomics, Metagenomics, RNA-seq, Data Integration


Daniel Malmodin (GU) University of Gothenburg metabolomics
Sequence Analysis
Johan Nylander (NRM) Swedish Museum of Natural History / SciLifeLab evolutionary sequence analysis, phylogenetics, phylogenomics
Sara Light (SU) SciLifeLab bioinformatics


Airen Zaldivar (SU) SciLifeLab systems development, python, java
Alex Aperis (UU)
SciLifeLab python, cloud computing, scientific computing
Anders Larsson (UU)
SciLifeLab Systems development, Java, Ferns, Cloud computing
Andreas Kähäri (UU)
SciLifeLab UNIX, C, Perl, MySQL, shell scripting, systems development
Dimitrios Bampalikis (UU)
SciLifeLab Systems development, Web servers, Cloud computing
Henrike Wiemker (UU)
Uppsala University system development, frontend, javascript
Ingrid Hyltander (SU)
SciLifeLab systems development, computer security, cloud computing
Joakim Bygdell (UmU)
Umeå University systems development, cloud computing
Jon Ander Novella (UU)
SciLifeLab Systems development, Cloud Computing, Reproducibility
Konstantinos Koumpouras (UU)
SciLifeLab Systems development, Cloud computing, Python, Golang
Malin Klang (UU)
SciLifeLab systems development, python
Martin Norling (UU)
SciLifeLab System development, web development, python
Nanjiang Shu (SU)
SciLifeLab Protein bioinformatics, Protein structure prediction, Machine learning, Web-server development, Cloud computing
Shreyas Shivakumara (LiU)
Linköping University Sensitive data, AI, Systems development, Cloud Computing, Python
Software and Systems
Anders Sjölander (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing
Björn Viklund (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing
Jonas Söderberg (UU) SciLifeLab UPPMAX, SciLifeLab
Lars Eklund (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing, chemistry, databases
Martin Dahlö (UU) SciLifeLab systems development, uppmax


Eva Freyhult (UU) Uppsala University statistics, multivariate analysis, network analysis
Data Management
Elin Kronander (UU) SciLifeLab data management, Open Science, FAIR
Markus Englund (UU) SciLifeLab data management, FAIR data, Open Science, reproducibility in science
Mattias Strömberg (UU) Uppsala University data management, data management plans, Open Science, FAIR, repositories
Niclas Jareborg (SU) SciLifeLab data management, agile project management, lean, informatics, programming
Stephan Nylinder (UU) Uppsala University Data management, DMP, Open Science, FAIR, GDPR, Sensitive data
Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström (UU) Uppsala University data management, service design, integrations, repositories, CodeRefinery, software carpetry
Yvonne Kallberg (SU) SciLifeLab data management, data management plans, FAIR

The NBIS staff is distributed over all major Swedish universities. They all have a national responsibility, which means that they will provide their expertise to all Swedish scientists, regardless of affiliation.

Stockholm (Stockholm University, KI, KTH)

Agata Smialowska (SU) SciLifeLab experimental design, transcriptomics, epigenomics, chromatin, RNA biology, RNA-seq, sRNA-seq, ChIP-seq
Airen Zaldivar (SU)
SciLifeLab systems development, python, java
Bengt Persson (UU/KI)
SciLifeLab NBIS director
Diana Ekman (SU)
SciLifeLab NGS variant analysis
Erik Fasterius (SU)
SciLifeLab High-throughput sequencing, RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, variant analysis, data visualisation, machine learning, pipeline development, software development
Estelle Proux-Wera (SU)
SciLifeLab RNA-seq, de novo RNA-seq assembly
Ingrid Hyltander (SU)
SciLifeLab systems development, computer security, cloud computing
Jakub Orzechowski Westholm (SU)
SciLifeLab RNA-seq, non-coding RNA, ChIP-seq, gene regulation
Jessica Lindvall (SU)
SciLifeLab manager, Joint Head of Facility Support and Infrastructure, Training coordinator, high throughput analyses, omics integration analyses
Johan Nylander (NRM)
Swedish Museum of Natural History / SciLifeLab evolutionary sequence analysis, phylogenetics, phylogenomics
John Sundh (SU)
SciLifeLab metagenomics, bacterial genomics, cyanobacteria
Jonas Hagberg (SU/UU)
SciLifeLab manager, devops, Joint Head of Facility Support and Infrastructure
Julie Lorent (SU)
SciLifeLab RNA-seq, biostatistics
Marcel Martin (SU)
SciLifeLab high-throughput sequencing
Mun-Gwan Hong (SU)
Science for Life Laboratory pqtl, affinity proteomics, genomics, gwas, epidemiology
Nanjiang Shu (SU)
SciLifeLab Protein bioinformatics, Protein structure prediction, Machine learning, Web-server development, Cloud computing
Niclas Jareborg (SU)
SciLifeLab data management, agile project management, lean, informatics, programming
Olga Dethlefsen (SU)
SciLifeLab transcriptomics, genomics, epigenomics, clinical bioinformatics, biostatistics, machine learning, teaching
Pär Engström (SU)
SciLifeLab transcriptomics, functional and comparative genomics, genetic variation
Paulo Czarnewski (SU)
SciLifeLab RNA-seq, scRNAseq, transcriptomics, Proximity Extension Assay (PEA), microbiome profiling, Flow cytometry (FACS)
Payam Emami (SU)
SciLifeLab omics integration, reproducible research, mass spectrometry, proteomics, peptidomics, metabolomics, workflow, Galaxy, microservices, Kubernetes
Rui Benfeitas (SU)
SciLifeLab Omics Integration, Systems Biology, Biological Network Analysis, Precision Medicine, RNAseq, Metabolism, Cancer, Metabolic Modeling
Sara Light (SU)
SciLifeLab bioinformatics
Sebastian Kapell (SU)
SciLifeLab Proteomics, Proteogenomics, Biological Network Analysis, Systems Biology, Immunology, Virology
Verena Kutschera (SU)
SciLifeLab population genomics, comparative genomics, molecular evolution, non-model organisms, phylogenetics
Yvonne Kallberg (SU)
SciLifeLab data management, data management plans, FAIR
Uppsala (Uppsala University, SLU)
Adnan Niazi (SLU) SciLifeLab RNAseq, Genome assembly
Alex Aperis (UU) SciLifeLab python, cloud computing, scientific computing
Anders Larsson (UU) SciLifeLab Systems development, Java, Ferns, Cloud computing
Anders Sjölander (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing
André E. R. Soares (UU) SciLifeLab genomics, genome assembly, genome annotation, ancient DNA, phylogenetics, shell scripting
Andreas Kähäri (UU) SciLifeLab UNIX, C, Perl, MySQL, shell scripting, systems development
Anna Hagwall (UU) Uppsala University project management, agile
Anna Johansson (UU) SciLifeLab NGS variant analysis
Åsa Björklund (UU) SciLifeLab RNAseq, scRNAseq
Bengt Sennblad (UU) SciLifeLab omics integration, reproducible research, probabilistic modeling, algorithmics, genetic interactions, genetic associations studies, genome evolution
Björn Nystedt (UU) SciLifeLab de novo genome assembly, evolution
Björn Viklund (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing
Dimitrios Bampalikis (UU) SciLifeLab Systems development, Web servers, Cloud computing
Elin Kronander (UU) SciLifeLab data management, Open Science, FAIR
Eva Freyhult (UU) Uppsala University statistics, multivariate analysis, network analysis
Henrik Lantz (UU) SciLifeLab assembly, annotation, manager, Joint Head of Facility Support and Infrastructure
Henrike Wiemker (UU) Uppsala University system development, frontend, javascript
Jessica Lindberg (UU) SciLifeLab administration, economy
Johan Reimegård (UU) SciLifeLab de novo RNA assembly, RNAseq, RNA structure analysis, Allele specific expression, non-coding RNA, miRNA, sRNA, education
Johan Viklund (UU) SciLifeLab NBIS Chief Technical Officer
Jon Ander Novella (UU) SciLifeLab Systems development, Cloud Computing, Reproducibility
Jonas Hagberg (SU/UU) SciLifeLab manager, devops, Joint Head of Facility Support and Infrastructure
Jonas Söderberg (UU) SciLifeLab UPPMAX, SciLifeLab
Konstantinos Koumpouras (UU) SciLifeLab Systems development, Cloud computing, Python, Golang
Lars Eklund (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing, chemistry, databases
Lucile Soler (UU) SciLifeLab genome annotation, whole genome alignment, comparative genomic
Mahesh Binzer-Panchal (UU) SciLifeLab genome assembly, transcriptome assembly, metagenomic assembly, variant calling, amplicon analysis, Nextflow, shell scripting, perl, groovy, java, R
Malin Klang (UU) SciLifeLab systems development, python
Marcin Kierczak (UU) Uppsala University genomics, population genomics, R, GWAS, machine learning, AI, eDNA
Marcus Lundberg (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing
Markus Englund (UU) SciLifeLab data management, FAIR data, Open Science, reproducibility in science
Markus Mayrhofer (UU) SciLifeLab cancer genomics, copy number analysis, mutational profiling
Martin Dahlö (UU) SciLifeLab systems development, uppmax
Martin Norling (UU) SciLifeLab System development, web development, python
Mattias Strömberg (UU) Uppsala University data management, data management plans, Open Science, FAIR, repositories
Nima Rafati (UU) SciLifeLab NGS, genomics, comparative genomics, transcriptomics, small and large variant analyses, comparative genomics, gwas
Per Unneberg (UU) SciLifeLab evolution, reproducible research, statistics, RNAseq, scRNAseq, genomics, variation analysis, population genetics
Roy Francis (UU) SciLifeLab experimental design, RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, Infinium methylation arrays, GATK variant-calling, R programming, data visualisation
Sebastian DiLorenzo (UU) SciLifeLab Cancer data analysis, NGS, epigenetics, Pipelines, Community, Teaching, R
Tom van der Valk (UU) Uppsala University population genomics, convervation genomics, python
Vincent van Hoef (UU) Uppsala University genomics, transcriptomics, cancer, R, single-cell rna-seq, rna-seq
Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström (UU) Uppsala University data management, service design, integrations, repositories, CodeRefinery, software carpetry

Umeå (Umeå University)

Allison Churcher (UmU) SciLifeLab genomics
Jeanette Tångrot (UmU)
Umeå University genomics, RNAseq, amplicon sequencing analysis
Joakim Bygdell (UmU)
Umeå University systems development, cloud computing
Nina Norgren (UmU)
Umeå University genomics
Göteborg (University of Gothenburg, Chalmers)
Daniel Malmodin (GU) University of Gothenburg metabolomics
Magnus Alm Rosenblad (GU) University of Gothenburg sequence analysis, transcriptomics, NGS coordinator
Mihail Anton (Chalmers) Chalmers system development
Sergiu Netotea (Chalmers) Chalmers systems biology, network analysis, machine learning, cloud computing
Stephan Nylinder (UU) Uppsala University Data management, DMP, Open Science, FAIR, GDPR, Sensitive data
Susanne Reinsbach (Chalmers) Chalmers Cancer Genomics, Metagenomics, RNA-seq, Data Integration
Thomas Svensson (CTH) SciLifeLab functional genomics, metabolism, fysiology, systems biology, sequence analysis, Head of Facility
Tomas Larsson (UU) Chalmers assembly, annotation, comparative genomics

Lund (Lund University, SLU)

Ashfaq Ali (LU) Lund University Metabolomic, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Systems Biology, Genomics, Genetics, Gene Environment Interactions
Dag Ahrén (LU)
Lund University Genomics, Transcriptomics, Genomic Ecology, Microbial Genomics, Reduced representation sequencing, RADSeq, NGS coordinator
Fredrik Levander (LU)
University of Lund proteomics, coordinator, mass spectrometry, data standards
Juliana Assis (LU)
Lund University genomics, transcriptomics, system biology, metabolomics, data integration
Lokeshwaran Manoharan (LU)
Lund University Genomics and metagenomics, Transcriptomics and metatranscriptomics, phylogenomics, Microbial Genomics, Amplicon sequencing analysis
Louella Vasquez (LU)
Lund University Genomics, Epigenetics, Integrative omics, Genetic association studies, Statistical analysis
Markus Ringnér (LU)
SciLifeLab Cancer genomics
Nikolay Oskolkov (LU)
SciLifeLab genomics, transcriptomics, statistical analysis
Paul Theodor Pyl (LU)
Lund University Genomics and metagenomics, Transcriptomics, Mass-spec Proteomics using DDA and DIA, Proteogenomics and Proteotranscriptomics, Cancer
Linköping (Linköping University)
Claudio Mirabello (LiU) Linköping University proteomics, machine learning, structural bioinformatics
Joel Hedlund (LiU) Linköping University Head of AIDA Data Hub, Sensitive data, AI, GDPR, Open Science, FAIR
Malin Larsson (LiU) Linköping University genomics, cancer genomics
Shreyas Shivakumara (LiU) Linköping University Sensitive data, AI, Systems development, Cloud Computing, Python

NBIS staff organized by Scilifelab facility.

Support and Infrastructure

Adnan Niazi (SLU) SciLifeLab RNAseq, Genome assembly
Agata Smialowska (SU)
SciLifeLab experimental design, transcriptomics, epigenomics, chromatin, RNA biology, RNA-seq, sRNA-seq, ChIP-seq
Airen Zaldivar (SU)
SciLifeLab systems development, python, java
Alex Aperis (UU)
SciLifeLab python, cloud computing, scientific computing
André E. R. Soares (UU)
SciLifeLab genomics, genome assembly, genome annotation, ancient DNA, phylogenetics, shell scripting
Andreas Kähäri (UU)
SciLifeLab UNIX, C, Perl, MySQL, shell scripting, systems development
Anna Hagwall (UU)
Uppsala University project management, agile
Ashfaq Ali (LU)
Lund University Metabolomic, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Systems Biology, Genomics, Genetics, Gene Environment Interactions
Bengt Persson (UU/KI)
SciLifeLab NBIS director
Dag Ahrén (LU)
Lund University Genomics, Transcriptomics, Genomic Ecology, Microbial Genomics, Reduced representation sequencing, RADSeq, NGS coordinator
Daniel Malmodin (GU)
University of Gothenburg metabolomics
Dimitrios Bampalikis (UU)
SciLifeLab Systems development, Web servers, Cloud computing
Elin Kronander (UU)
SciLifeLab data management, Open Science, FAIR
Erik Fasterius (SU)
SciLifeLab High-throughput sequencing, RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, variant analysis, data visualisation, machine learning, pipeline development, software development
Eva Freyhult (UU)
Uppsala University statistics, multivariate analysis, network analysis
Fredrik Levander (LU)
University of Lund proteomics, coordinator, mass spectrometry, data standards
Henrik Lantz (UU)
SciLifeLab assembly, annotation, manager, Joint Head of Facility Support and Infrastructure
Henrike Wiemker (UU)
Uppsala University system development, frontend, javascript
Ingrid Hyltander (SU)
SciLifeLab systems development, computer security, cloud computing
Jeanette Tångrot (UmU)
Umeå University genomics, RNAseq, amplicon sequencing analysis
Jessica Lindvall (SU)
SciLifeLab manager, Joint Head of Facility Support and Infrastructure, Training coordinator, high throughput analyses, omics integration analyses
Joakim Bygdell (UmU)
Umeå University systems development, cloud computing
Johan Nylander (NRM)
Swedish Museum of Natural History / SciLifeLab evolutionary sequence analysis, phylogenetics, phylogenomics
Johan Viklund (UU)
SciLifeLab NBIS Chief Technical Officer
Jon Ander Novella (UU)
SciLifeLab Systems development, Cloud Computing, Reproducibility
Jonas Hagberg (SU/UU)
SciLifeLab manager, devops, Joint Head of Facility Support and Infrastructure
Juliana Assis (LU)
Lund University genomics, transcriptomics, system biology, metabolomics, data integration
Julie Lorent (SU)
SciLifeLab RNA-seq, biostatistics
Konstantinos Koumpouras (UU)
SciLifeLab Systems development, Cloud computing, Python, Golang
Lokeshwaran Manoharan (LU)
Lund University Genomics and metagenomics, Transcriptomics and metatranscriptomics, phylogenomics, Microbial Genomics, Amplicon sequencing analysis
Lucile Soler (UU)
SciLifeLab genome annotation, whole genome alignment, comparative genomic
Magnus Alm Rosenblad (GU)
University of Gothenburg sequence analysis, transcriptomics, NGS coordinator
Mahesh Binzer-Panchal (UU)
SciLifeLab genome assembly, transcriptome assembly, metagenomic assembly, variant calling, amplicon analysis, Nextflow, shell scripting, perl, groovy, java, R
Malin Klang (UU)
SciLifeLab systems development, python
Markus Englund (UU)
SciLifeLab data management, FAIR data, Open Science, reproducibility in science
Martin Norling (UU)
SciLifeLab System development, web development, python
Mattias Strömberg (UU)
Uppsala University data management, data management plans, Open Science, FAIR, repositories
Mun-Gwan Hong (SU)
Science for Life Laboratory pqtl, affinity proteomics, genomics, gwas, epidemiology
Nanjiang Shu (SU)
SciLifeLab Protein bioinformatics, Protein structure prediction, Machine learning, Web-server development, Cloud computing
Niclas Jareborg (SU)
SciLifeLab data management, agile project management, lean, informatics, programming
Nima Rafati (UU)
SciLifeLab NGS, genomics, comparative genomics, transcriptomics, small and large variant analyses, comparative genomics, gwas
Olga Dethlefsen (SU)
SciLifeLab transcriptomics, genomics, epigenomics, clinical bioinformatics, biostatistics, machine learning, teaching
Roy Francis (UU)
SciLifeLab experimental design, RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, Infinium methylation arrays, GATK variant-calling, R programming, data visualisation
Rui Benfeitas (SU)
SciLifeLab Omics Integration, Systems Biology, Biological Network Analysis, Precision Medicine, RNAseq, Metabolism, Cancer, Metabolic Modeling
Sara Light (SU)
SciLifeLab bioinformatics
Sebastian DiLorenzo (UU)
SciLifeLab Cancer data analysis, NGS, epigenetics, Pipelines, Community, Teaching, R
Sebastian Kapell (SU)
SciLifeLab Proteomics, Proteogenomics, Biological Network Analysis, Systems Biology, Immunology, Virology
Stephan Nylinder (UU)
Uppsala University Data management, DMP, Open Science, FAIR, GDPR, Sensitive data
Vincent van Hoef (UU)
Uppsala University genomics, transcriptomics, cancer, R, single-cell rna-seq, rna-seq
Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström (UU)
Uppsala University data management, service design, integrations, repositories, CodeRefinery, software carpetry
Yvonne Kallberg (SU)
SciLifeLab data management, data management plans, FAIR
Long-term Support
Allison Churcher (UmU) SciLifeLab genomics
Anna Johansson (UU) SciLifeLab NGS variant analysis
Åsa Björklund (UU) SciLifeLab RNAseq, scRNAseq
Bengt Sennblad (UU) SciLifeLab omics integration, reproducible research, probabilistic modeling, algorithmics, genetic interactions, genetic associations studies, genome evolution
Björn Nystedt (UU) SciLifeLab de novo genome assembly, evolution
Claudio Mirabello (LiU) Linköping University proteomics, machine learning, structural bioinformatics
Diana Ekman (SU) SciLifeLab NGS variant analysis
Estelle Proux-Wera (SU) SciLifeLab RNA-seq, de novo RNA-seq assembly
Jakub Orzechowski Westholm (SU) SciLifeLab RNA-seq, non-coding RNA, ChIP-seq, gene regulation
Johan Reimegård (UU) SciLifeLab de novo RNA assembly, RNAseq, RNA structure analysis, Allele specific expression, non-coding RNA, miRNA, sRNA, education
John Sundh (SU) SciLifeLab metagenomics, bacterial genomics, cyanobacteria
Jonas Söderberg (UU) SciLifeLab UPPMAX, SciLifeLab
Louella Vasquez (LU) Lund University Genomics, Epigenetics, Integrative omics, Genetic association studies, Statistical analysis
Malin Larsson (LiU) Linköping University genomics, cancer genomics
Marcel Martin (SU) SciLifeLab high-throughput sequencing
Marcin Kierczak (UU) Uppsala University genomics, population genomics, R, GWAS, machine learning, AI, eDNA
Markus Mayrhofer (UU) SciLifeLab cancer genomics, copy number analysis, mutational profiling
Markus Ringnér (LU) SciLifeLab Cancer genomics
Nikolay Oskolkov (LU) SciLifeLab genomics, transcriptomics, statistical analysis
Nina Norgren (UmU) Umeå University genomics
Pär Engström (SU) SciLifeLab transcriptomics, functional and comparative genomics, genetic variation
Paul Theodor Pyl (LU) Lund University Genomics and metagenomics, Transcriptomics, Mass-spec Proteomics using DDA and DIA, Proteogenomics and Proteotranscriptomics, Cancer
Paulo Czarnewski (SU) SciLifeLab RNA-seq, scRNAseq, transcriptomics, Proximity Extension Assay (PEA), microbiome profiling, Flow cytometry (FACS)
Payam Emami (SU) SciLifeLab omics integration, reproducible research, mass spectrometry, proteomics, peptidomics, metabolomics, workflow, Galaxy, microservices, Kubernetes
Per Unneberg (UU) SciLifeLab evolution, reproducible research, statistics, RNAseq, scRNAseq, genomics, variation analysis, population genetics
Sergiu Netotea (Chalmers) Chalmers systems biology, network analysis, machine learning, cloud computing
Susanne Reinsbach (Chalmers) Chalmers Cancer Genomics, Metagenomics, RNA-seq, Data Integration
Tom van der Valk (UU) Uppsala University population genomics, convervation genomics, python
Tomas Larsson (UU) Chalmers assembly, annotation, comparative genomics
Verena Kutschera (SU) SciLifeLab population genomics, comparative genomics, molecular evolution, non-model organisms, phylogenetics

Systems Biology

Mihail Anton (Chalmers) Chalmers system development
Thomas Svensson (CTH)
SciLifeLab functional genomics, metabolism, fysiology, systems biology, sequence analysis, Head of Facility
Compute and Storage
Anders Sjölander (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing
Björn Viklund (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing
Lars Eklund (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing, chemistry, databases
Marcus Lundberg (UU) Uppsala University uppmax, compute, storage, high-performance computing
Martin Dahlö (UU) SciLifeLab systems development, uppmax

Bioimage Informatics

Joel Hedlund (LiU)| Linköping University| Head of AIDA Data Hub, Sensitive data, AI, GDPR, Open Science, FAIR
Shreyas Shivakumara (LiU)| Linköping University| Sensitive data, AI, Systems development, Cloud Computing, Python

NBIS affiliates are bioinformaticians who collaborate with NBIS.

Daniel Lundin (KTH) SciLifeLab metagenomics
Henric Zazzi (KTH) PDC/SciLifeLab bioinformatics software development
Petter Ranefall (UU) Centre for Image Analysis image analysis