NBIS Covid19 Information

Most is functioning as normal

Unless noted, our services should be functioning as normal. There may be minor changes - many sites have mandatory or recommended work from home policies and travel restrictions - but the core services are still being provided.

Drop-in sessions

Drop-in sessions will be held online for all sites.

Visit the events page for all the information you need to join and talk to our bioinformatics experts.

Courses and site events

For courses, we follow the recommendations and guidelines from the Swedish authorities and FolkhÀlsomyndigheten with regards to teaching and training. NBIS courses are designed to be interactive face-to-face events. However, we follow the situation carefully and will modify the delivery of the course if needed. Please check the individual training events for specific information.

Please contact education@nbis.se if you have any questions.

Scientific efforts

NBIS assists within its areas of expertise, this is coordinated through the SciLifeLab COVID-19 effort

See also our news article about COVID 19 resources.