NBIS Support Services

NBIS support services cover the full range of community needs, from short consultations to long-term engagement.

N.B.: Our support services are also available for researchers at private companies, clinics and from abroad, but we are then required to charge for full cost coverage.

General support services

Bioinformatics drop-in sessions Weekly drop-in sessions in Lund, Göteborg, Linköping, Stockholm, Uppsala and Umeå.
Read more Consultation meetings (free) Study design consultation meetings with one of our experts.
Read more | Apply Short- and Medium-term Support (user fee) This track is mainly targeting projects with a reasonably well-defined bioinformatics problem. We offer support in a wide range of bioinformatics areas, including NGS, proteomics, metabolomics, biostatistics, systems development and data management. We have no deadlines for applications, projects are accepted continuously. Time and outcome estimations are done individually for each project before contracting.
Read more | Apply Long-term Support (free, competitive peer-review) Bioinformatics support to a limited set of scientifically outstanding projects. Applications are submitted in open calls three times per year (February/June/October), and are selected based on scientific peer-review by a national committee. This support has been enabled primarily by a generous grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
Read more | Apply BioImage Informatics We offer support and training to perform state-of-the-art analyses on image data. Our experts at the BioImage Informatics Facility can help you deploy computational methods using computer vision, machine learning, and bioinformatics to analyze images. We offer training on how to use existing software solutions or help developing a custom workflow. We also organize Call4Help session where we provide combined expertise towards microscopy and bioimage analysis.
Read more | Apply Partner Projects For projects with a large bioinformatics component, NBIS can enter as a project partner based on full cost coverage by the research project. This track is intended for projects requiring NBIS support staff of a total of at least 12 person months over the project life-time. Partner projects are preferably discussed before a project applies for funding, but projects with submitted or granted funding are welcome to enter into this track too. NBIS can also act as an official co-applicant in a funding proposal for a planned Partner Project, as discussed on a case-to-case basis.
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Focus areas

In addition to the general services, we also offer support in a few focus areas, currently:

Genome Assembly and Annotation We offer assembly and annotation support for your de novo genome projects, ranging all the way from quality control of raw reads to the final assembled, validated and annotated genome. User fees according to Short- and Medium-term Support applies.
Read more | Apply Data management We offer support in data managment issues throughout the whole research data life cycle, from writing data management plans to publishing datasets in repositories. We offer guidance on how to describe and organize data, how to work with sensitive human data, and how to prepare for repository submission.
Read more | Apply Computational structural and chemical biology We can offer support to projects focusing on structure-based ligand discovery and understanding the structural basis of protein function using a broad range of computational tools (e.g. protein structure prediction, virtual screening, molecular dynamics simulations). We can contribute to the discovery and optimization of drug-like molecules binding to a target of interest by searching in chemical libraries with billions of compounds.
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