Nbis infrastructure
Aida data hub
Nbis compute and storage
Data management
Data management
General information
Swedish sensitive data archive
Previous nbis events
Nbis symposium and user meeting 2018
About nbis
Contact information
Nbis documents
Nbis organization
Privacy policy
Nbis staff
Current status
[when to cheat on your principles for speed, the dark art of getting things done](<> "permalink for when to cheat on your principles for speed, the dark art of getting things done")
[but how do i...](<> "permalink for but how do i...")
Nbis covid19 information
Nbis support services
The nbis assembly and annotation service
Bioimage informatics
Consultation - feedback on your project
Bioinformatics drop-in sessions
General processing agreements for bioinformatics support and data storage
Working with human data
Bioinformatics long-term support
Long-term support projects
Partner projects
Nbis support services
Support - help with analyses
Nbis training
Nbis training code of conduct
Nbis courses and workshops
Vision and mission for nbis training
Federated EGA End to End demonstrator
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
Open position: 1-2 System developer with operational responsibility
Open position: 1-2 Frontend System developer (Web Developer)
Call for candidates: Senior experts at data science excellence center in medical imaging
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
Open position: 1-2 System developer with operational responsibility
Open position: Senior systems developer at AIDA Data Hub in medical imaging AI
Open positions: 2 Bioinformaticians
Interview (in Swedish) with Bengt Persson on the new EU project BigPicture
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
Open positions: 1-3 Data Stewards
Open position: Systems developer at AIDA Data Hub in medical imaging AI
Open position: 1-2 System developer with operational responsibility
The SciLifeLab NBIS platform involved in new AI pathology database EU project
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
Open position: 1-2 System developer with Scrum Master competences
Open position: 1-2 System developer with operational responsibility
Open position: 1-2 Frontend System developer (Web Developer)
1+Million Genomes Survey for researchers
Roadmap for the European 1 million genomes initiative
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
Open position: Systems developer at AIDA Data Hub in medical imaging AI
ELIXIR Launches new EU Project - B1MG
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
NBIS Bioinformatic drop-in - Now Online!
COVID19 efforts
Open position: Bioinformatician in Proteomics (extended)
Open positions: One or two system developers with operational responsibility
Open positions: 1-4 Bioinformaticians Stockholm
Application open for PhD students! The Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory program
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
Open position: Projektledare, Uppsala
Open position: CTO (Chief Technical Officer), Uppsala
Video: Secure human data management in Europe
One or two system developers with operational responsibility
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
2 open positions: Bioinformatics scientist for the NBIS/SciLifeLab node in Lund
Open position: Bioinformatician/Data Steward, Uppsala
NBIS and SciLifeLab at Almedalen
Autumn School: Single Cell Analysis
Drop-in service takes summer break
ELIXIR launches new projects to implement 2019-2023 Scientific Programme
Open positions: Systems Biology, Gothenburg
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
Boost your VR application!
Open position: Bioinformatician, Linköping
NBIS/SciLifeLab part of a major grant in forest genetic research
ELIXIR SME Forum in Stockholm March 5-6 2019
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
New bioinformatics support service: Partner Projects
Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory program - Application open!
Open announcement for additional national NBIS services
Open position: Bioinformatician Stockholm
Open position: Bioinformatician Uppsala
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
One or two system developers with operational responsibility
Seminar: Building trust in Computational Science: From Reproducible to Verifiable Computer-aided Research
Two bioinformatics positions at NBIS
1-year position in Uppsala, deadline June 21st
BiG Talks - Bioinformatics and Genomics Seminar Series
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
Open positions at Chalmers
Welcome to the NBIS blog
NBIS Symposium and User Meeting 2018: March 26, Linköping
Open positions: Advanced national bioinformatics support, SciLifeLab Stockholm
Huge interest to join the Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory Program!
Apply now: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
Open position: 1-3 DevOps
Open position: Bioinformatician in RNA-seq based gene expression
Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory program - Application open!
Video: ELIXIR - Human genomics and translational data
Video: Open Access and Data Management in the Life Sciences
Open position: Application Expert
Call: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
Calls: SciLifeLab National Projects
Open position: Research Engineer in Bioinformatics at PlantLink
Video: Impact of ELIXIR infrastructure
Green Listed - a CRISPR Screen Tool
New NBIS user fees from Jan 1st 2017
Open positions: advanced bioinformatics support
NBIS Annual Symposium and User Meeting 2016
Swedish National Research School in Medical Bioinformatics
Video: Introduction to ELIXIR
Open position: advanced bioinformatics support
NBIS lights a GA4GH Beacon for the first Swedish WGS reference population dataset
The first map of genetic variation in Sweden
Call: Bioinformatics Long-term Support
PRECOG phenomics pipeline released
Welcome to NBIS
Trilby Media
Nbis infrastructure
Aida data hub
Nbis compute and storage
Data management
Data management
General information
Swedish sensitive data archive
Previous nbis events
Nbis symposium and user meeting 2018
About nbis
Contact information
Nbis documents
Nbis organization
Privacy policy
Nbis staff
Current status
[when to cheat on your principles for speed, the dark art of getting things done](<> "permalink for when to cheat on your principles for speed, the dark art of getting things done")
[but how do i...](<> "permalink for but how do i...")
Nbis covid19 information
Nbis support services
The nbis assembly and annotation service
Bioimage informatics
Consultation - feedback on your project
Bioinformatics drop-in sessions
General processing agreements for bioinformatics support and data storage
Working with human data
Bioinformatics long-term support
Long-term support projects
Partner projects
Nbis support services
Support - help with analyses
Nbis training
Nbis training code of conduct
Nbis courses and workshops
Vision and mission for nbis training