NBIS Compute and Storage

The Bioinformatics compute and storage facility provides high-performance computing and storage resources, maintain relevant bioinformatics software and data (e.g. reference genomes), and offer associated user support. The facility is hosted at Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science (SNIC-UPPMAX), which is Uppsala University’s resource for high-performance computing and related know-how. Its reference group makes strategic and policy decisions, while a manager is responsible for daily operations.


Bioinformatics software Maintenance of an extensive suite of bioinformatics software applications. Assistance with installation and updates Computing and storage High-performance computing and large-scale storage for bioinformatics, primarily for the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) community in Sweden Hardware and system administration Expert management of high-performance computational hardware Reference data Maintenance of reference genomes and other shared data sources Training services Participates in various SciLifeLab workshops and courses, such as “Computational Methods for Massively Parallel Sequencing”. Provides computational resources for several other courses User support Provides technical user support for high-performance computing and NGS analyses on UPPNEX systems


Access to SweStore National Storage Mainly for archiving data for longer periods of time. Alignment programs E.g. BWA, Mosaik, Bowtie, Tophat, MAQ, Bioscope and Lifescope Backup system Each project has a file area that every night is backed up on magnetic tapes in Linköping Computational resources Computer cluster with 2 000 000 computing hours per month De novo assembly software E.g. Abyss, Velvet and Mira Downstream analysis programs E.g. Cufflinks, MrBayes, SAM-tools, and Annovar General software tools E.g. BioPerl, Picard and GATK High-bandwidth network Fast connection to Swedish University Network (SUNET) backbone High-memory computer Large memory SMP with 2 TB RAM Storage resources Storage resources of 7 PB


  • Next-generation sequencing data analysis and management
  • Large-scale storage and archiving of image data
  • Management and analysis of drug screening data