NBIS offers high quality training programs aimed at the Swedish Life Science research community that provides a standard to follow when handling and analysing bioinformatics data. The training follows up-to-date best practices for effective teaching, using Open and FAIR training materials. Moreover, our training is inclusive and meets the needs of the research community in terms of accessibility.
Methodology standards – NBIS Training delivers advanced training where learners are trained in best practices for a range of state-of-the-art bioinformatics topics. NBIS meets the training demands from the Life Science research community by continuously reviewing the training content so that it meets demands and needs.
High quality – NBIS Training follows best practices in effective teaching. Moreover, NBIS provides guidance on effective teaching and learning to the Life Science research community.
Professional development – NBIS educates internally, both scientifically and pedagogically, aiming to keep our experts up-to-date on the most advanced and accurate bioinformatics methodologies. NBIS has a streamlined teaching process, built on clear processes and training infrastructure.
Accessibility – Life Science researchers have access to NBIS Training according to the Open and FAIR principles for training material.
Collaborativity – NBIS interacts with national and international stakeholders to share knowledge and improve the quality of NBIS Training.