Data Management

NBIS is committed to the principles of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) research data, i.e. that data should be easily accessed, understood, exchanged and reused. We work actively to implement data management solutions to ensure that the investments done by the society in research infrastructure resources can achieve the highest possible impact.

Vision & Mission of the NBIS Data Management Team

Resources provided by NBIS

A Brief Introduction to Data Management

SciLifeLab Data Guidelines - data type specific guidelines for good data management practices

SciLifeLab DS Wizard, DSW - a customised tool for creating Data Management Plans (DMPs) with templates conforming to the requirements of the Swedish Research Council and other stakeholders

Free Consultations - data stewards from NBIS are available to discuss and provide support regarding data management questions

Further questions

If you have further questions regarding Data management, you are welcome to contact the NBIS data management team (