population genomics, convervation genomics, python
tom.vandervalk@scilifelab.se | |
phone | +46 (0)72 280 88 48 |
Tom has a experience in population and conservation genomics. He obtained his PhD (2019) in Animal Ecology on the genomic consequences of rapid population declines in a range of endangered mammals. After his PhD, Tom did a postdoc at the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Stockholm, studying the origin and extinction of woolly mammoths using ancient DNA. At SciLife, Tom is part of the Bioinformatics Long-term Support facility, working on developing pipelines for the analysis and interpretation of large scale population genomic datasets.
Valk, T. van der, Dı́ez-Del-Molino David, Marques-Bonet, T., Guschanski, K., and Dalén, L. (2019) Historical Genomes Reveal the Genomic Consequences of Recent Population Decline in Eastern Gorillas. Curr. Biol. , 29 , 165–170.e6.
Valk, T. van der, Gonda, C. M., Silegowa, H., Almanza, S., Sifuentes-Romero, I., Hart, T. B., Hart, J. A., Detwiler, K. M., and Guschanski, K. (2020) The Genome of the Endangered Dryas Monkey Provides New Insights into the Evolutionary History of the Vervets. Mol. Biol. Evol. , 37 , 183–194.
Valk, T. van der, Sandoval-Castellanos, E., Caillaud, D., Ngobobo, U., Binyinyi, E., Nishuli, R., Stoinski, T., Gilissen, E., Sonet, G., Semal, P., Kalthoff, D. C., Dalén, L., and Guschanski, K. (2018) Significant loss of mitochondrial diversity within the last century due to extinction of peripheral populations in eastern gorillas. Sci. Rep. , 8 , 6551.
population genomics, convervation genomics, python
tom.vandervalk@scilifelab.se | |
phone | +46 (0)72 280 88 48 |
Tom has a experience in population and conservation genomics. He obtained his PhD (2019) in Animal Ecology on the genomic consequences of rapid population declines in a range of endangered mammals. After his PhD, Tom did a postdoc at the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Stockholm, studying the origin and extinction of woolly mammoths using ancient DNA. At SciLife, Tom is part of the Bioinformatics Long-term Support facility, working on developing pipelines for the analysis and interpretation of large scale population genomic datasets.
Valk, T. van der, Dı́ez-Del-Molino David, Marques-Bonet, T., Guschanski, K., and Dalén, L. (2019) Historical Genomes Reveal the Genomic Consequences of Recent Population Decline in Eastern Gorillas. Curr. Biol. , 29 , 165–170.e6.
Valk, T. van der, Gonda, C. M., Silegowa, H., Almanza, S., Sifuentes-Romero, I., Hart, T. B., Hart, J. A., Detwiler, K. M., and Guschanski, K. (2020) The Genome of the Endangered Dryas Monkey Provides New Insights into the Evolutionary History of the Vervets. Mol. Biol. Evol. , 37 , 183–194.
Valk, T. van der, Sandoval-Castellanos, E., Caillaud, D., Ngobobo, U., Binyinyi, E., Nishuli, R., Stoinski, T., Gilissen, E., Sonet, G., Semal, P., Kalthoff, D. C., Dalén, L., and Guschanski, K. (2018) Significant loss of mitochondrial diversity within the last century due to extinction of peripheral populations in eastern gorillas. Sci. Rep. , 8 , 6551.