Björn Nystedt

Björn Nystedt Head of Bioinformatics Long-term Support

de novo genome assembly, evolution

phone +46 (0)18 471 44 13

Björn has a long experience in comparative genomics and de novo genome assembly from many different organisms, ranging from small bacterial and fungal genomes to massive plant genomes. He has a PhD (2009) in Molecular Evolution focusing on gene and genome dynamics in host-adapted bacteria. After his PhD, Björn was hired to the SciLifeLab genomics platform in Stockholm when it started in 2010, handling workflows and data delivery as well as advanced bioinformatics user support. In particular, he led the sequencing and assembly of the 20 Gbp Norway spruce (Picea abies) genome, which was the largest genome sequenced in the world at the time.

Björn has been the Head of the Bioinformatics Long-term Support facility since it started in 2013. He can occasionally still be seen juggling scripts in Perl and R, but is mainly involved in coaching projects and handling questions regarding strategy, administration and outreach for the facility and for the SciLifeLab bioinformatics platform in general. Björn is also involved in the Human WGS effort at SciLifeLab, trying to facilitate tools access and community synergy within this rapidly emerging field.

At NBIS, Björn is the head of facility for the Bioinformatics Long-term Support (WABI) team.

Selected publications

Nystedt, B. et al. (2013) The Norway spruce genome sequence and conifer genome evolution. Nature , 497 , 579–584.

Guy, L., Nystedt, B., Toft, C., Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka, K., Berglund, E. C., Granberg, F., Naslund, K., Eriksson, A. S., and Andersson, S. G. (2013) A gene transfer agent and a dynamic repertoire of secretion systems hold the keys to the explosive radiation of the emerging pathogen Bartonella. PLoS Genet. , 9 , e1003393.

Gioti, A., Nystedt, B., Li, W., Xu, J., Andersson, A., Averette, A. F., Munch, K., Wang, X., Kappauf, C., Kingsbury, J. M., Kraak, B., Walker, L. A., Johansson, H. J., Holm, T., Lehtio, J., Stajich, J. E., Mieczkowski, P., Kahmann, R., Kennell, J. C., Cardenas, M. E., Lundeberg, J., Saunders, C. W., Boekhout, T., Dawson, T. L., Munro, C. A., Groot, P. W. de, Butler, G., Heitman, J., and Scheynius, A. (2013) Genomic insights into the atopic eczema-associated skin commensal yeast Malassezia sympodialis. MBio , 4 , e00572–00512.

Björn Nystedt

Björn Nystedt Head of Bioinformatics Long-term Support

de novo genome assembly, evolution

phone +46 (0)18 471 44 13

Björn has a long experience in comparative genomics and de novo genome assembly from many different organisms, ranging from small bacterial and fungal genomes to massive plant genomes. He has a PhD (2009) in Molecular Evolution focusing on gene and genome dynamics in host-adapted bacteria. After his PhD, Björn was hired to the SciLifeLab genomics platform in Stockholm when it started in 2010, handling workflows and data delivery as well as advanced bioinformatics user support. In particular, he led the sequencing and assembly of the 20 Gbp Norway spruce (Picea abies) genome, which was the largest genome sequenced in the world at the time.

Björn has been the Head of the Bioinformatics Long-term Support facility since it started in 2013. He can occasionally still be seen juggling scripts in Perl and R, but is mainly involved in coaching projects and handling questions regarding strategy, administration and outreach for the facility and for the SciLifeLab bioinformatics platform in general. Björn is also involved in the Human WGS effort at SciLifeLab, trying to facilitate tools access and community synergy within this rapidly emerging field.

At NBIS, Björn is the head of facility for the Bioinformatics Long-term Support (WABI) team.

Selected publications

Nystedt, B. et al. (2013) The Norway spruce genome sequence and conifer genome evolution. Nature , 497 , 579–584.

Guy, L., Nystedt, B., Toft, C., Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka, K., Berglund, E. C., Granberg, F., Naslund, K., Eriksson, A. S., and Andersson, S. G. (2013) A gene transfer agent and a dynamic repertoire of secretion systems hold the keys to the explosive radiation of the emerging pathogen Bartonella. PLoS Genet. , 9 , e1003393.

Gioti, A., Nystedt, B., Li, W., Xu, J., Andersson, A., Averette, A. F., Munch, K., Wang, X., Kappauf, C., Kingsbury, J. M., Kraak, B., Walker, L. A., Johansson, H. J., Holm, T., Lehtio, J., Stajich, J. E., Mieczkowski, P., Kahmann, R., Kennell, J. C., Cardenas, M. E., Lundeberg, J., Saunders, C. W., Boekhout, T., Dawson, T. L., Munro, C. A., Groot, P. W. de, Butler, G., Heitman, J., and Scheynius, A. (2013) Genomic insights into the atopic eczema-associated skin commensal yeast Malassezia sympodialis. MBio , 4 , e00572–00512.