NGS variant analysis |
Anna has a long experience in variant detection and analysis of whole genome resequencing data, both in human and in model organisms. She has a PhD in biochemistry focusing on modelling of membrane proteins. During her time as a post doc at the Rudbeck Laboratory in Uppsala she was involved in a number of human genetics project, both with disease focus and with evolutionary questions, and gained experience in NGS analysis and genetics.
Since Anna joined the long term support team of NBIS in 2013 NBIS she have been involved in various projects involving variant detection, filtering and evaluation. Prefers scripting in Perl and R.
NGS variant analysis |
Anna has a long experience in variant detection and analysis of whole genome resequencing data, both in human and in model organisms. She has a PhD in biochemistry focusing on modelling of membrane proteins. During her time as a post doc at the Rudbeck Laboratory in Uppsala she was involved in a number of human genetics project, both with disease focus and with evolutionary questions, and gained experience in NGS analysis and genetics.
Since Anna joined the long term support team of NBIS in 2013 NBIS she have been involved in various projects involving variant detection, filtering and evaluation. Prefers scripting in Perl and R.