Sebastian DiLorenzo

Sebastian DiLorenzo Community Coordinator & NBIS expert

Cancer data analysis, NGS, epigenetics, Pipelines, Community, Teaching, R

phone +46 (0)73 693 06 60

Sebastian DiLorenzo has an MSc in Bioinformatics from Uppsala University and is located at the Biomedical Center in Uppsala. As Community Coordinator for NBIS he plans and communicates with other swedish infrastructures to exchange knowledge, experience and generally help NBIS fulfill it’s vision of making bioinformatics accesible to Life Science researchers. He primarily provides support on analysis for cancer samples. His experiences include single-nucleotide and structural variant calling, epigenetics from bisulfite sequenced samples and method development for bioinformatics pipelines. As a former SNIC application expert he has a good understanding of UPPMAX and general HPC environments. He co-hosts the annual two-week summer school “RaukR, Advanced R for Bioinformatics” and participates in NBIS and SciLifeLab hosted courses such as “Introduction to Bioinformatics using NGS data”.

Sebastian DiLorenzo

Sebastian DiLorenzo Community Coordinator & NBIS expert

Cancer data analysis, NGS, epigenetics, Pipelines, Community, Teaching, R

phone +46 (0)73 693 06 60

Sebastian DiLorenzo has an MSc in Bioinformatics from Uppsala University and is located at the Biomedical Center in Uppsala. As Community Coordinator for NBIS he plans and communicates with other swedish infrastructures to exchange knowledge, experience and generally help NBIS fulfill it’s vision of making bioinformatics accesible to Life Science researchers. He primarily provides support on analysis for cancer samples. His experiences include single-nucleotide and structural variant calling, epigenetics from bisulfite sequenced samples and method development for bioinformatics pipelines. As a former SNIC application expert he has a good understanding of UPPMAX and general HPC environments. He co-hosts the annual two-week summer school “RaukR, Advanced R for Bioinformatics” and participates in NBIS and SciLifeLab hosted courses such as “Introduction to Bioinformatics using NGS data”.