Joel Hedlund

Joel Hedlund AIDA Data director

Head of AIDA Data Hub, Sensitive data, AI, GDPR, Open Science, FAIR

phone +46 (0)31 28 24 23

With a background as a Ph d and application expert in bioinformatics at the National Supercomputer Centre (NSC) at Linköping University in Sweden, Joel served as an Executive in the formative years of the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC), and was part of initiating and running its Tryggve series of projects supporting transnational research on sensitive personal biomedical data together with the Nordic nodes of ELIXIR.

Joel has since taken up a position as Data director to the Analytical Imaging Diagnostics Arena (AIDA), a collaboration arena supporting research and innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medical imaging diagnostics coordinated by the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV) at Linköping University.

In this position Joel heads up the AIDA Data Hub, supporting AIDA with services for data sharing and high performance AI training on sensitive personal medical imaging data for research. Here, Joel also leads the repository infrastructure development in BIGPICTURE effort, establishing a Petabyte AI platform for European digital pathology. Joel is also the Linköping Univerity data contact to the SciLifeLab & Wallenberg national program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS).

Selected publications

Hedlund, J., Eklund, A., and Lundström, C. (2020) Key insights in the AIDA community policy on sharing of clinical imaging data for research in Sweden. Scientific Data , 7 , 1–6.

Persson, B., Hedlund, J., and Jörnvall, H. (2008) Medium- and short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase gene and protein families: the MDR superfamily. Cellular and molecular life sciences , 65 , 3879.

Olczak, J., Pavlopoulos, J., Prijs, J., Ijpma, F. F. A., Doornberg, J. N., Lundström, C., Hedlund, J., and Gordon, M. (2021) Presenting artificial intelligence, deep learning, and machine learning studies to clinicians and healthcare stakeholders: an introductory reference with a guideline and a Clinical AI Research (CAIR) checklist proposal. Acta orthopaedica , 1–13.

Jörnvall, H., Hedlund, J., Bergman, T., Oppermann, U., and Persson, B. (2010) Superfamilies SDR and MDR: from early ancestry to present forms. Emergence of three lines, a Zn-metalloenzyme, and distinct variabilities. Biochemical and biophysical research communications , 396 , 125–130.

Eriksson, H., Lengqvist, J., Hedlund, J., Uhlén, K., Orre, L. M., Bjellqvist, B., Persson, B., Lehtiö, J., and Jakobsson, P.-J. (2008) Quantitative membrane proteomics applying narrow range peptide isoelectric focusing for studies of small cell lung cancer resistance mechanisms. Proteomics , 8 , 3008–3018.

Hedlund, J., Johansson, J., and Persson, B. (2009) BRICHOS-a superfamily of multidomain proteins with diverse functions. BMC research notes , 2 , 1–10.

Hedlund, J., Jörnvall, H., and Persson, B. (2010) Subdivision of the MDR superfamily of medium-chain dehydrogenases/reductases through iterative hidden Markov model refinement. BMC bioinformatics , 11 , 1–16.

Immerstrand, C., Hedlund, J., Magnusson, K.-E., Sundqvist, T., and Peterson, K. H. (2007) Organelle transport in melanophores analyzed by white light image correlation spectroscopy. Journal of microscopy , 225 , 275–282.

Immerstrand, C., Hedlund, J., Magnusson, K.-E., Sundqvist, T., and Holmgren Peterson, K. (2012) Image correlation spectroscopy for quantification of pigment aggregation.

Joel Hedlund

Joel Hedlund AIDA Data director

Head of AIDA Data Hub, Sensitive data, AI, GDPR, Open Science, FAIR

phone +46 (0)31 28 24 23

With a background as a Ph d and application expert in bioinformatics at the National Supercomputer Centre (NSC) at Linköping University in Sweden, Joel served as an Executive in the formative years of the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC), and was part of initiating and running its Tryggve series of projects supporting transnational research on sensitive personal biomedical data together with the Nordic nodes of ELIXIR.

Joel has since taken up a position as Data director to the Analytical Imaging Diagnostics Arena (AIDA), a collaboration arena supporting research and innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medical imaging diagnostics coordinated by the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV) at Linköping University.

In this position Joel heads up the AIDA Data Hub, supporting AIDA with services for data sharing and high performance AI training on sensitive personal medical imaging data for research. Here, Joel also leads the repository infrastructure development in BIGPICTURE effort, establishing a Petabyte AI platform for European digital pathology. Joel is also the Linköping Univerity data contact to the SciLifeLab & Wallenberg national program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS).

Selected publications

Hedlund, J., Eklund, A., and Lundström, C. (2020) Key insights in the AIDA community policy on sharing of clinical imaging data for research in Sweden. Scientific Data , 7 , 1–6.

Persson, B., Hedlund, J., and Jörnvall, H. (2008) Medium- and short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase gene and protein families: the MDR superfamily. Cellular and molecular life sciences , 65 , 3879.

Olczak, J., Pavlopoulos, J., Prijs, J., Ijpma, F. F. A., Doornberg, J. N., Lundström, C., Hedlund, J., and Gordon, M. (2021) Presenting artificial intelligence, deep learning, and machine learning studies to clinicians and healthcare stakeholders: an introductory reference with a guideline and a Clinical AI Research (CAIR) checklist proposal. Acta orthopaedica , 1–13.

Jörnvall, H., Hedlund, J., Bergman, T., Oppermann, U., and Persson, B. (2010) Superfamilies SDR and MDR: from early ancestry to present forms. Emergence of three lines, a Zn-metalloenzyme, and distinct variabilities. Biochemical and biophysical research communications , 396 , 125–130.

Eriksson, H., Lengqvist, J., Hedlund, J., Uhlén, K., Orre, L. M., Bjellqvist, B., Persson, B., Lehtiö, J., and Jakobsson, P.-J. (2008) Quantitative membrane proteomics applying narrow range peptide isoelectric focusing for studies of small cell lung cancer resistance mechanisms. Proteomics , 8 , 3008–3018.

Hedlund, J., Johansson, J., and Persson, B. (2009) BRICHOS-a superfamily of multidomain proteins with diverse functions. BMC research notes , 2 , 1–10.

Hedlund, J., Jörnvall, H., and Persson, B. (2010) Subdivision of the MDR superfamily of medium-chain dehydrogenases/reductases through iterative hidden Markov model refinement. BMC bioinformatics , 11 , 1–16.

Immerstrand, C., Hedlund, J., Magnusson, K.-E., Sundqvist, T., and Peterson, K. H. (2007) Organelle transport in melanophores analyzed by white light image correlation spectroscopy. Journal of microscopy , 225 , 275–282.

Immerstrand, C., Hedlund, J., Magnusson, K.-E., Sundqvist, T., and Holmgren Peterson, K. (2012) Image correlation spectroscopy for quantification of pigment aggregation.